Using presentation mode

Using the PRESENTATION MODE better facilitates a discussion by showing one main idea at a time across all of the team members' devices. This lets you sync and focus the conversation while allowing you to capture live feedback.

Live feedback lets participants interact in real time, making your meetings more engaging.
  • Live reactions - each person can react to the comments and what is being said by others.
  • Move slower/faster - each person can indicate if they would like the meeting to slow down or speed up.
  • Quick poll - Ask a question and have people respond via a quick thumbs up/down.
  • Raise hand - when a participant has a question or comment.

Only the facilitators can initiate presentation mode by clicking on PRESENT in the BRAINSTORM, OPEN ACTIONS, VOTE or DISCUSS steps.

Example of presentation mode in a Retrospective

Example of presentation mode in a Health Check

You can PRESENT ideas in each of the following steps.

  • BRAINSTORM - Present ideas one by one to allow people to quickly share what each one means or to clarify a topic before moving on. You can sort by:

    • original order
    • who added
    • by topic, then who added
    • random order

  • GROUP - Present ideas and allow others to suggest recommended ideas for grouping.

  • DISCUSS - Present ideas one by one for in-depth discussion after voting. Ideas can also be sorted by the number of votes to determine priority.

At each of the presentation modes, team members can add reactions, comments, and actions as needed.  As you move to the next idea, everyone will automatically be moved to the next idea and follow along. This allows to control the pace.

STOP PRESENTING takes you out of presentation mode and lets each team member navigate around ideas and categories freely on their own.

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