Customising your retrospective
You can customize your retrospectives and tailor it to the needs of your team including:
- Titles
- Topics and topic descriptions
- Topic Icons
- Anonymity
- Background images
- Process steps (including which steps and the default for each step)
- Enable or disable process steps
Customize an exisiting template
- Under the RETROSPECTIVES tab, START A RETROSPECTIVE and select from our ready-to-use templates or choose a Blank Template if you wish to start from scratch.
- Change the TITLE for your meeting, give CONTEXT to set the stage, and choose your ANONYMITY.
- ANONYMOUS means all names will be hidden even to the facilitator.
- ALIAS will add a customizable avatar to each idea.
- NAMES attaches the team member's name to each idea.
- Use the TOPICS tab to edit titles including the description, order and colour.
- You can also add icons, change their color, and their order. by using the ↓ ↑ symbols.
- Click on the icon to choose from a variety of emoticons, icons, numbers, and letters. You can also upload your preferred images for a more personal touch.
- Use the color pallet to change the color of the topic and icon.
- Use the PROCESS tab to enable/disable steps and set the defaults of each. Please note that you cannot disable brainstorm and the close step.
- Click START RETROSPECTIVE and your retro is ready for your team!