Starting a retrospective

TeamRetro agile retrospective meetings provide your team the opportunity to reflect on their recent experiences and identify opportunities to improve moving forward. 

To start a new Retrospective:

  1. Navigate to the HOME page of the team.  
  2. SELECT your team name.

3. Click the  + and you will be presented with a range of customizable templates to get you started! 

You can also click START A RETROSPECTIVE from the RETROSPECTIVES tab. 

Select your template, give it a name and START RETROSPECTIVE.

4. You can now name the Sprint, set the date of the meeting and add the context of the sprint. This can include the Prime Directive or your own message.

5. Choose the level of anonymity of the retrospective and CUSTOMIZE YOUR RETROSPECTIVE by editing the topics. You can add icons, and change their color and order.

6. Invite team members by adding their Email or sending your team a Code/Link. Additional members can still be added later.

Your Retrospective is now ready!

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