The retrospective process - BRAINSTORM

Add ideas under each topic

Participants can add their ideas under each topic based on the meeting settings. The amount of time, how people add ideas (anonymity) and when ideas are revealed can be decided by the facilitator. Ideas can also be presented in turn using Presentation Mode. Participants can click on ideas to add additional comments, reactions and questions.

When people have finished adding ideas, they can click on I'M FINISHED to let others know.

Keep the meeting moving

  • Set a TIMER

Use the timer to show a countdown for each step. A sound can be enabled when the timer finishes. Participants will still be able to add their idea or request more time. It simply indicates when time is up.


    When a participant has finished adding their ideas, they can click I'M FINISHED. A check will also appear next to their avatar in the Participant Side Panel.

  • Typing indicator

    When a participant is typing, an indicator will be displayed next to their avatar in the Participant Pane.

Customizing the Brainstorm step

Facilitators can customise the Brainstorm step as follows:

Customize Topics... - Modify the retrospective topics and descriptors to suit you.

Choose when your participants see each other's ideas:

  • Show ideas immediately - encourage your team members to draw inspiration from each other
  • Show ideas in the next step - great to avoid group-think 

Show or don't show who added ideas (this option is not available for fully anonymous retrospectives)

  • Don't show who added - this hides the author of the idea. 
  • Show who added - displays the author's avatar next to the idea.

Color your ideas:

  • By topic - ideas colours match the topic color.
  • By who added - idea colors match the color of the participant's avatar.
  • Manually - manually choose the color of the idea.

Present ideas

Once ideas have been entered, you can use Presentation Mode to sync everyone's screens and discuss each idea in turn.

You can sort the ideas displayed in

  • original order,
  • by who added, or
  • by topic, then by who added, or
  • randomised order.

Participants can discuss, clarify or ask questions in this step before moving to the grouping step.

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