Insights - retrospectives

Insights into your retrospectives for the selected timeframe and team/s.

Cross Team Insights and Reports are available only on an Enterprise plan.


Displays key metrics related to retrospectives for your team/s for the selected time frame.

Participation rate is based on invited team members who engaged in the meeting (i.e. added an idea, comment, vote or proposed an action ). It excludes team members who were invited but never joined the meeting.

Return on time invested

Displays the trends from participant ratings for ROTI at the end of a retrospective meeting. The size of the dots represent the number of responses for that rating.  The bigger the dot, the bigger the number of responses for that rating. An indicative trendline based on the average of all responses is also displayed. 


Displays the meeting frequency based on the median number of days between the meeting date that is set for the retrospectives. This will also include any meetings that have not yet been completed.

Ad hoc meetings are those that are run either once or less than every quarter and cannot be categorized as Every Week, Every Second Week, Every Third Week, Monthly or Quarterly.

Most used templates

Shows the most commonly used templates across all teams for the selected timeframe and teams. You can expand the view by clicking on the '+' sign to look at the specific topics discussed. This also includes any team or organization level templates that have been customized, but still show the original topics name.

Common themes

Displays a word cloud of all ideas, excluding stop words and idea comments, from retrospectives based on the topic sentiment and the color associated with it.

You can use this to explore any common themes and get a sense of what topics are resonating with participants during their meeting.  In addition, you can click on a word cloud to download it as an image.

Sentiment trends

Displays sentiment data from retrospectives weighted by the number of ideas added to retrospective topics over a period of time. You can hover over the chart to see a drill down of the last known retrospective. For further information on topic sentiment, read through our help article.

SHOW AVERAGE - displays a curve, based on the average sentiment of all responses.

SHOW BREAKDOWN - displays each sentiment as a proportion of all responses.