Team action reports

Organization and Program Administrators are able to see the actions, as well as the status of all the teams in a more visual manner. Use these to help manage impediments, velocity and to ensure that there are follow-throughs on meeting outcomes.

  1. At the organization or program home page, click REPORTS  followed by ACTIONS and you will be presented with colorized bar graphs which will show the following:
  • OVERDUE: These are the number of actions that are open and beyond the due date.
  • OPEN: These are the number of actions that are not yet completed, including overdue actions, categorized by days.
  • COMPLETED: These are actions that have been marked as completed by the team categorized by days.
  • PUBLISHED: These are the number of actions that have been integrated into the team's workflow tool and have been published to that tool.

You can hover over the bar graph to get a breakdown of the number of days in each aged category. The default Sorting order of the data is in Descending order of OPEN action items.

2. Click on each column header to sort the data based on that column in Descending or Ascending order. For example, clicking on the OVERDUE column.

Example of actions sorted by clicking on the COMPLETED column.

3. You can download the data as an Excel or CSV file, each offering the corresponding data in designated columns.

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