Lean Coffee Template

What is Lean Coffee?

Originating in Seattle in 2009, Lean Coffee combines lean thinking with informal, participant-driven discussions. The format is simple: attendees propose topics, vote on them, and then discuss each in priority order within set timeframes. This approach promotes focused conversations and maximizes the efficient use of time.

How to Use the Lean Coffee Template in TeamRetro

  1. Access the Template:
    • Navigate to your Team dashboard.

    • Click on "START A RETROSPECTIVE" or navigate to the "RETROSPECTIVES" tab to start a new retrospective.

    • Select "Lean Coffee" from the list of standard templates.

  2. Set the Meeting Context:
    • Define the purpose or theme of the session to guide topic suggestions.

  3. Gather Topics:
    • Invite participants to submit topics they wish to discuss.
    • Each topic is added as a separate card or idea in the "To Discuss" column.

  4. Prioritize Through Voting:
    • Allow participants to vote on the topics they find most pertinent or would like to discuss further.
    • Topics with the highest votes are prioritized for discussion first.

  5. Structured Discussion:
    • Begin with the top-voted topic, moving it to the "In Progress" column.
    • Set a timer (commonly 5–7 minutes) for the discussion.
    • At the end of the timebox, conduct a quick vote to decide whether to extend the discussion or move to the next topic.

  6. Conclude and Reflect:
    • After all prioritized topics have been addressed, review any action items or key takeaways.
    • Assign these action items to specific users and assign due dates and priorities.

    • Download and share the reports with any absent users or interested stakeholders for a quick summary.

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