
You can integrate your TeamRetro team with your Linear workspace, and automatically publish action items as Linear issues.  To configure this integration you must be a TeamRetro Team Administrator or an Account Administrator.

Configure in TeamRetro

  • Sign in to your TeamRetro account.
  • On the TEAM > SETTINGS > INTEGRATION screen.

  • Click on CONNECT next to the Linear.

  • You will be redirected to Linear Auth Login. If you are comfortable with the permissions requested, Click AUTHORIZE to allow TeamRetro access to your Linear workspace.
  • You will then be redirected back into TeamRetro and asked to choose a team from your list of Linear teams to publish your action items into:

  • SAVE CHANGES  if the connection was successful, you should see CONNECTED.

Testing your integration

Back on your TEAM> HOME screen, click the publish icon and you will see PUBLISH TO LINEAR as an option. You can also publish all action items at once. After selecting, TeamRetro will create a new Issue in Linear and display the corresponding Issue ID on the card.

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