Shortcut (formerly Clubhouse)

You can integrate your TeamRetro team with your Shortcut project, and automatically publish team action items as Shortcut stories.  To configure this integration you must be a TeamRetro team administrator or an account administrator.

Create your Shortcut API token

  • Sign in to your workspace


  • Open the user settings by clicking on your icon, followed by 'Settings'

  • Click on API Tokens on the left navigation panel, input a name for the token (e.g. TeamRetro), and click on Generate Token
  • Once that is done, a unique API Token will be generated for you.

    NOTE: copy this token to the clipboard as this will be the only time it is displayed to you. 

Configure in TeamRetro

  • Log into TeamRetro and navigate to the team you want to integrate Shortcut with.
  • Click on SETTINGS, followed by INTEGRATIONS and look for 'Shortcut'. 

  • Once you click on CONNECT you will be asked to input the API Token that was generated within Shortcut. To confirm the API Token, click on the arrow '->' to continue.
  • Once the Token is validated, you will be asked to select the Project you would want to publish your action items to
  • Once the connection succeeds, you will see that it is connected back on the INTEGRATIONS page

Testing your integration

Back on your  Team > Home screen, you can either click the publish icon and you will see "Publish to Shortcut" as an option or, click on PUBLISH to publish all action items at once. After selecting, TeamRetro will create a new Story in Shortcut and display the corresponding Story ID on the card. Note: action items will only be published as stories in the selected Project in Shortcut.

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