
You can integrate your TeamRetro team with your Trello board to automatically publish team actions items as Trello cards. To configure this integration you must be a TeamRetro team administrator.

Configure in TeamRetro

  1. On the TEAM > SETTINGS > INTEGRATION screen

  2. Click CONNECT.

    You will be redirected to Trello OAuth login. If you are comfortable with the permissions requested, select "Allow"

    Once you've granted permission you'll be redirected back to the TeamRetro integration page to configure your integration.

    1. Select the Trello Board you'd like to publish your TeamRetro action items to
    2. Select the Trello List where open TeamRetro actions should be published

  3.  Click SAVE CHANGES. If the connection is successful, you should see CONNECTED next to Trello on the integrations page.

Testing Your Integration

Back on your TEAM > HOME screen, click the publish icon and you will see "Publish to Trello" as an option. After selecting, TeamRetro will create a new card in Trello and display the card number on the action.

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