Azure DevOps

You can integrate your TeamRetro team with your Azure Project, to automatically publish team actions items as Azure work items. To configure this integration you must be a TeamRetro team administrator.

Create personal access tokens to authenticate access

  1. Sign in to your Azure DevOps organization eg.
  2. Open the user settings next to your profile picture and then select Personal access tokens.

  3. Click + New Token

  4. Configure your token:
    1. Name your token: eg. TeamRetro
    2. Select the Azure Organization where you want to use the token
    3. Set the lifespan for your token: (we recommend setting to Custom Defined and 365 days)

  5. Select the scopes for this token to authorize for your specific tasks. TeamRetro requires the following scopes:
    1. Work Items - Read, write, & manage
    2. User profile - Read
    3. Project and Team - Read

  6. Click CREATE
  7. When you're done, make sure to copy the token. You'll use this token as your password.
  8. Copy the token (a 48 character string) to your clipboard

Configure in TeamRetro


  1. Click

  1. Enter your organization URL (eg.
  2. Enter the personal access token you copied in the previous step and click next (-->) button.

  1. After a short delay, you should be able to select the Project, Area Path, and Azure Work Item Type you'd like TeamRetro to create for each action item (eg. Task).

  2. Click on SAVE CHANGES and, if the connection was successful, you should see CONNECTED next to Azure DevOps on the integrations page.

Testing Your Integration

Back on your Team > Home screen, click the publish icon and you will see "Publish to Azure DevOps" as an option. After selecting, TeamRetro will create a new Work Item in Azure and display the Work Item ID on the card.

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