Report - users

Cross-team Reports are an Enterprise Plan feature

The organization users report is designed to provide a high level view of how your users are utilising TeamRetro.  This report does not include details of  what actions, ideas or health check scores the user may have had.   


Name The name of the user
Email The user's email address
Added When the user was first invited to the account / program   
Last Seen When the user was last active in the account / program   

Account Role The user's role in the account (OWNER, ADMIN, USER).
Teams (Admin) A list of teams where this user is a ADMIN
Teams (Member) A list of teams where this user is a MEMBER

Latest Retrospective When the user most recently joined a retrospective (excludes deleted retrospectives).
Retrospective Participation Rate The % of time this user joins and contributes to a retrospective after being invited (excludes deleted retrospectives).

Latest Health Check When the user most recently joined a health check (excludes deleted health checks).
Health Check Participation Rate The % of time this user joins and contributes to a health check after being invited (excludes deleted health checks).

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