Troubleshooting: Connectivity Issues

For some users in restricted corporate network environments, your IT team may need to allow access to TeamRetro and our subprocessor domains in order to allow you to make use of TeamRetro. Below is a list of recommended and required domains for TeamRetro.

Recommended / Required Domains

Domain Description Recommended / Required
* TeamRetro Required




Ably real-time websocket synchronization Required
* Tenor GIFs Recommended




HelpScout in-app customer support Recommended


Rollbar client error logging Recommended





Braintree subscriptions and payments Recommended

General Connectivity Issues

Potential workarounds

  • Disable any ad-blocker type extensions (as these can erroneously block or rewrite requests)
  • If on a VPN, disconnect and use a different internet connection (may indicate your VPN network is blocking requests)
  • Try a different browser (if works, may indicate an extension is responsible)

If you've tried any of these workarounds please let know when you file a ticket.

Network Request Diagnostics (for technical users)

If you encounter unexpected errors, you can assist diagnosis by opening

  • Chrome: View -> Developer -> Developer Tools (Network Tab)
  • Firefox: Tools -> Web Developer Tools (Network Tab)

Refresh the page, and include the screenshot showing any failed network requests in your message to (Example below)

WebSocket Connectivity Issues

If you can successfully join a retrospective or health-check, however are encountering long delays in changes made by other participants synchronizing to your device, there may be issues with using real-time WebSocket connections in your network. TeamRetro uses Ably real-time websockets to enable real-time data synchronization between all participants in a meeting.

To debug your local web socket support

As connectivity issues can often be related to your local network environment, diagnosing issues is easiest performed while on your network. To assist TeamRetro support, we'd recommend following the following debug process:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Enter your API key: leave this blank
  3. Optional: Your email address:
  4. Click I don't have an API key

    ... the web-page will complete diagnostics to identify the potential causes of any connectivity issues (this takes about 4 minutes)...

  5. When complete, copy the Results Code, and contact including the code.

We'll follow up with Ably and respond with recommended actions.

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